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Main - League Matchmaking

Looking for a low-maintenance, fun league? Come join UFA!

By buenoboss11
11/26/2019 10:09 pm
Are looking for a low-maintenance, fun league? Come join UFA!

The UFA is a roster-only league, which means you make the roster (the trade, draft, free agents, etc.) but with no gameplanning. Now, I know from experience, gameplanning is one the hardest aspects of MFN, some like it, some don't. Now, I'm still a relativity new MFN player and I still haven't figured out the perfect gameplan, but in this league, I don't need to worry about that! The league has 8 openings (including Chandyo's filler account to fix teams) right now. We are currently about to start the 3rd and 4th rounds of the draft. The league is led by the great Chandyo, three year vet of MFN and a great admin. He sometimes even does write-ups and mock drafts. The league has several great owners, including tribewriter, parsh, and amalric7 (just to name a few, don't be pissed off if I didn't include your name). Great league for noobs and players just starting MFN.

punisher, if you get the links please....

peace and happy turkey day

Re: Looking for a low-maintenance, fun league? Come join UFA!

By punisher
11/26/2019 10:48 pm
Corvallis Burn = TAKEN
Modesto Destroyers =
Norfolk United =
Norwich Dappers =
Provo Predators = TAKEN
Rockville Fury =
Xenia Tornado =
Last edited at 11/27/2019 4:30 pm