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You may make a trade with another team until the trading deadline of Week 8. There is a limit of three trades between any two teams per season. New accounts are restricted from making trades until they are 30 days old.

Proposing Team Traded Target Team Traded Completed
Patriots Harry McKee (SLB) Chargers 2047 Round 3 1/05/2025 12:04 pm
Chiefs 2046 Round 2 Patriots Lucius Yates (WR) 1/03/2025 12:34 pm
Patriots 2045 1-31: Philip Rosenthal (LG)
2045 2-31: Gordon Greenlee (RT)
2045 3-31: David Prater (RB)
2045 4-31: Marshall Houston (DT)
Browns 2047 Round 1
2047 Round 7
1/03/2025 3:48 am
Panthers Frank Albin (QB) Chiefs 2045 2-30: Timmy Czarnecki (QB) 1/03/2025 11:16 am
Rams 2047 Round 1 Bills Robert John (QB) 11/12/2024 1:55 pm
Bills JJ McCarthy (QB) Broncos Fred Adams (CB)
2045 2-15: Aaron Newcomb (WR)
2046 Round 3
11/03/2024 12:49 pm
Bengals 2045 6-7: Tomas Ingram (DT)
2045 7-7: William Kessler (CB)
2046 Round 5
Chargers 2044 5-32: Thomas Vegas (FB)
2046 Round 7
10/26/2024 9:05 am
Bengals 2046 Round 6
2046 Round 7
2046 Round 6
Panthers 2044 5-28: Marion Price (CB) 10/26/2024 6:46 am
Bengals 2044 4-21: Francis Hartin (CB)
2044 5-20: James Fullwood (FS)
2044 6-19: Victor Schmidt (TE)
2044 7-21: Michael Smith (LDE)
Panthers 2045 3-30: Richard Hill (DT)
2046 Round 6
10/20/2024 8:07 am
Patriots Manuel Luna (WR)
2044 3-30: Eddie Perez (LT)
Broncos Johnny Cohen (LG) 9/06/2024 4:05 am
Patriots Steven Grant (WR)
Michael Johnson (WR)
2044 5-30: Adrian Wagner (RT)
Browns Ronald Gaughan (C) 9/02/2024 4:13 am
Texans 2044 2-12: Jason Cormier (CB)
2045 2-6: Leonardo Dennis (RB)
Panthers Charles Coughlin (QB) 8/25/2024 6:23 pm
Lions 2043 3-31: Craig Lucas (TE)
2043 4-31: Gregory Olson (MLB)
2043 7-31: Tommy Young (WR)
Titans 2043 5-26: Willard Morrison (MLB)
2044 5-26: Clifton Grigg (WR)
2045 4-11: Tom Frank (RDE)
8/17/2024 5:08 am
Chargers 2043 2-16: Eric Munday (RG) Packers Steve Marshall (DT) 8/15/2024 4:24 pm
Chiefs 2044 3-23: Andrew Bonds (C) Cardinals Nestor Stevens (LDE) 8/15/2024 11:17 am
Bills Patrick Beatty (QB) Cowboys James Weakley (QB)
Jose Kenny (TE)
6/17/2024 1:13 pm
Bills Jerry Carson (RB) Colts Paul Rudolph (FS)
2043 3-21: Monty Decarlo (WLB)
6/07/2024 9:32 am
Bills Eric Becher (QB) Colts Benny Triggs (QB) 6/05/2024 11:33 am
Titans 2043 1-26: Ronald Swanson (CB) Falcons 2042 2-2: James Ladner (SS)
2042 3-2: Parker Burkhart (RDE)
6/05/2024 9:25 am
Bills 2043 1-9: Lane Maddox (RB) Giants JJ McCarthy (QB) 6/05/2024 5:08 am