Yeah, I googled NFL playoff tiebreakers a long tie ago because I admin 5 leagues and the standings has prematurely elimated teams with the dreaded "e" by there name when they in reality are not elimated.
So one job of a good league admin is to research the playoff scenarios and report his findings to the league. Wouldnt it **** if you thought you were eliminated and played your backups when actually you were very much alive if game results went your way?
Anyway, I've been using the NFL tiebreaker procedures all this time and JDB is correct that it rarely gets to strength of victory but finally in my World did....and the wrong team made the playoffs. BTW the team that made the playoffs had the "e" elimated sign by his team after week 15 and played his backups but still won.
I'm pretty sure JDB means that when the tiebreaker reaches strength of victory, skip to net points.....but I want clarity on that fact because his statement suggests otherwise since common games and conference record switch places depending on the scenario.
That leads me to wonder, does MFN use just one STANDARDIZED METHOD to figure out playoff tiebreakers or does it use the 4 basic methods employed by the NFL based on scenario.
I think a comprehensive breakdown of playoff tiebreakers used by MFN is required. There shouldnt be any confusion or mystery associated with the procedures and clearly they differ from the NFL.