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Re: Defensive Backfield

By Brrexkl
5/20/2017 4:13 pm
There is no 'wrong way'. It's what one needs for Rules or Stamina or Injury. Situational.

My way works for me... until I have to many injuries. My way wouldn't work for you due to the Rules, which I don't use many of.

Which is why experimentation is good, since we all have different methods.

Hopefully, between us all, Booger926 sees a scenario like the one he uses for his system and gets some good help from the variety of answers.

Re: Defensive Backfield

By Bryson10
5/20/2017 4:16 pm
That's the beauty of the game, everyone has a different philosophy and goes about building their team's in their own unique way. Overrides has nothing to do with rules just to clear that up :)

Re: Defensive Backfield

By hchoudhry17
5/20/2017 5:14 pm
I have 4 cbs 2 ss and 2 fs active each game. My teams typically depend heavily on secondaries being very good so these guys are what make my defense run

Re: Defensive Backfield

By Brrexkl
5/20/2017 6:30 pm
Bryson10 wrote:
That's the beauty of the game, everyone has a different philosophy and goes about building their team's in their own unique way. Overrides has nothing to do with rules just to clear that up :)

Indeed, I misread/overlooked.

I do use Over Rides on certain Teams, not all of them.

When I didn't have enough DBs of Talent I'd Over Ride one of my LB (or both in Dime) for Nickel.

In Cleveland I used Over Ride to put TEs at WR4 and WR5 before I had enough Talent at WR.

Over Rides can be awesomely effective... as I had an over 1K TE thanks to that.

Re: Defensive Backfield

By Brrexkl
5/20/2017 6:30 pm
hchoudhry17 wrote:
I have 4 cbs 2 ss and 2 fs active each game. My teams typically depend heavily on secondaries being very good so these guys are what make my defense run

That's another thing, 3 of my 4 Teams I prioritize Pass Rush.

Re: Defensive Backfield

By hchoudhry17
5/21/2017 7:11 am
The issue with me focusing so heavily on the secondary being perfect at each spot is when one guy gets hurt, even though other guys can fill in decent enough, I get paranoid that some team is gonna throw for 500 yards and 6 tds (like my current state of mind in league 86) :)

Re: Defensive Backfield

By Pernbronze
5/21/2017 3:47 pm
I think this is largely determined by what defense you want to use. If you stick to basic defense you can get away with fewer, but if you run dime or quarter you need more. Although I think now everyone will need more to be effective because you don't have enough plays to just run basic defense frequently enough with zone being broken and some plays just plain not working.

Re: Defensive Backfield

By Bryson10
5/21/2017 4:18 pm
You need to have the personnel to adapt to all the different offenses in leagues. We have base run teams in 75 and 4-5 wr pass heavy teams as well. In the two Super Bowls Ive been in 75 I've had multiple starting corners hurt so I'll always carry extra. You're right though that it depends on strategy for the most part

Re: Defensive Backfield

By River Ave U
5/21/2017 7:32 pm
I rely on my secondary, so I tend to go:

2 CBs who are elite speed and man coverage (i very rarely run zone)
2 backup CBs for subpackages. often one of my backup safeties is in here somewhere
4 safeties, with the best speed/coverage skills i can find

I tend to play a lot of man Cover 1 Man and Cover 2 Man, with a lot of blitzing, so I rely on my corners being able to man-up effectively, and my safeties being able to do both. Thus I'll often draft defensive backs high, sometimes multiple times in a draft and sometimes multiple years in a row.

Re: Defensive Backfield

By lellow2011
5/21/2017 10:01 pm
When building any team my top two priorities have always been pass rushers and DBs. I will usually draft at least 1 DB every draft in the first 3 rounds unless the value just isn't there at any of my picks.