mathan wrote:
ich finde nach wie vor die methode gut, dass sich beide manager kurz nach dem trade 1-2 minuten zeit nehmen und die beweggründe im forum für den trade kommentieren sollten. das bringt auch klarheit für uns alle...
i still think the method is good that both managers should take 1-2 minutes shortly after the trade and comment on the reasons for the trade in the forum. this also brings clarity for all of us...
In the leagues that I admin, I will be setting up rules for trading, same as there are rules for exploits like the punt rush, player weights, etc. It would be great if JDB could make the changes, same as roster requirements, and making the trade meter much more accurate than it is, it has been done before when Kickers and Punters were being used in unbalanced trades. But, until then, its going to be up to League Admins to set rules that counter exploits and enforce them.