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2029: Season 11 - thread

By Beers - League Admin
12/03/2021 2:47 am
Have fun in the 2029 season

Re: 2029: Season 11 - thread

By TheAdmiral
3/10/2022 8:11 am
Sweeping changes on the Seattle Roster, I expect this week to be a hot mess as we take on the 8-1 Lions with a team that basically met for the first time today.

Most of these players are playing for their jobs, lets see if that's enough to fire them up. Game targets - Keep the Lions below 50 points, Score 10 points+ including at least one TD


Re: 2029: Season 11 - thread

By Sm0kE
3/10/2022 8:35 am
Sounds like one of those games where my team likes to completely mess up.

Re: 2029: Season 11 - thread

By TheAdmiral
3/11/2022 5:58 am
Hmmm, a bit disjointed at times, we managed to patch over our obvious weak spots and damned near came away with the win (or at least taking it to OT)

10 points+ scored > check
score a TD > check (a 40 yard catch and run beauty)
keep the Lions below 50 > check, they didn't even get 20

So to Detroit we say BOO!, gave you a scare ;o)

GG Smoke, pushed you all the way, never easy playing against a team first time out and you don't know how they'll play. We had an advantage in that sense as we were able to scout you.

Re: 2029: Season 11 - thread

By Sm0kE
3/11/2022 3:21 pm
See, exactly what I was expecting..

Re: 2029: Season 11 - thread

By mathan
4/01/2022 5:34 am
Zuerst einmal Gratulation an die Lions und Titans zum Super Bowl Einzug.
In NY ist man natürlich enttäuscht, dass man nicht wieder in die Super Bowl einziehen konnte. Das Titelfenster wird sich wahrscheinlich bald schließen und es liegt auch viel an QB Harvey, ob er weitermacht oder in den Ruhestand geht. Diese Entscheidung wird maßgeblichen Anteil an der Strategie haben, ob man nächste Saison nochmal versucht um den Titel mitzuspielen oder ob man einen Rebuild startet.


First of all, congratulations to the Lions and Titans for making it to the Super Bowl.
In NY, of course, they are disappointed that they did not make it to the Super Bowl again. The title window will probably close soon and it's also a lot up to QB Harvey whether he continues or retires. This decision will play a big part in the strategy of whether to try again for the title next season or start a rebuild.

Re: 2029: Season 11 - thread

By Beers - League Admin
4/04/2022 3:35 am
Congratulation Titans !!!

The next Sim to end the season will be at friday

I'm trying to do some promotion for the league these days so we can find some new managers