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Reminder: No exploiting bugs!

By Beers - League Admin
3/24/2023 2:24 am
There is a little agreement, everybody should follow:

Exploiting bugs
The game has bugs from time to time, but these should not be exploited to have an advantage.

This includes not taking advantage of putting players in different positions to gain weight advantages.

Unfortunately, at the moment it can be seen in the Commanders, who have no RB but mostly WR who play this position.

Before that I made it always anonymous in the forum and pointed out the rules, etc.
But I'm tired of the fact that almoste the same people keep trying to get some advantage by trickery.
The CB/LB/SS/FS Bug was noticed here last season.

Therefore I ask all players to please pay attention to a balanced squad!
Especially the Commanders!

I mention it again:

If it is not changed, I will kick the relevant person out of the league.

Even if this means we have too few players and have to give up the league, I prefer to do that than to tolerate further unfair gameplay.

Re: Reminder: No exploiting bugs!

By Rialto
3/24/2023 6:28 am
Warum dürfen in der Off-season Spieler keine anderen Positionsgruppen trainieren ?
Ich habe meine Kaderplanung für die nächste Season noch gar nicht abgeschlossen.
Meine beiden RBs hatten immer ihre 217lbs in den Liga-Spielen.
Zu den Liga-Spielen wird die Start-Elf positiongetreu sein.

andere Teams haben ihre RBs auch auf WR ausgebildet,
habe umgestellt, so das keine WR auf der RB-Position mehr stehen
Last edited at 3/24/2023 7:12 am